realtime HighPerformanceCounter information

nobody_ spam at spam.spam
Wed Nov 22 01:04:00 PST 2006

"Chris Nicholson-Sauls" <ibisbasenji at> wrote in message 
news:ek0i74$fn3$1 at
> nobody_ wrote:
>>>>Is it possible to get timing information before stopping a timer?
>>>>Something like this:
>>>>HighPerformanceCounter c = new HighPerformanceCounter();
>>>>When I do this now, c.microseconds() returns some 'random number :(
>>>I'm curious, why do you need to keep the timer running?
>> I hoped to use it for timing my main loop :)
> Actually... you don't have to do anything.  The implementation of .close() 
> does nothing but query for the current counter state and store it. 
> Repeated calls to .close(), therefore, will equate to repeated re-queries 
> to the counter, with all calls to .*seconds() in between doing their math 
> on the same original .start() result.
> So... you already have what you want.  Just make sure to call .close() 
> once before calling the .*seconds() methods.  (At least on Windows... I 
> admit to not checking the linux impl.)
> -- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

Hmm.. thanks!

But I still think that a query (count, micro, milli etc) should be used



should be enough, I think.
It won't really change anything,except be a little be intuitive :)

But anyway, thanks. 

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