English binary logic operators

nobody_ spam at spam.spam
Thu Nov 23 14:09:22 PST 2006

> I'm forced to use the basic english programming syntax: if/else, while,
> for, foreach, public, private, protected,.... PLEASE: STOP IMPOSING 
> ENGLISH TO THE WORLD... you are not the only one programming here.
> thanks
> Antonio

As for me: Please start imposing english to the world (English isn't my 
mother language btw.)
Imposing it only as the second language of course. Diversity of thought is, 
most of the time, a good thing :)
I kinda hate language barriers.

Thus I totally agree with:

> the best of algebra symbology is the language independence:

But it shouldn't be that difficult to startof a project on dsource which 
would enable the selection of different languages
for these and alike:

> "valor" vs "value", "irSiguiente()" vs "goNext()"...

It could even have a function to translate some of the algebra symbology.

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