Equivilent of STL Set in D ? ...

BLS nanali at wanadoo.fr
Mon Oct 23 12:41:05 PDT 2006

Walter Bright schrieb:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> The C++ set is implemented as a balanced binary tree, and some sort of 
>> binary tree is probably your best bet if you want a sorted container 
>> with decent lookup performance.
> C++'s balanced binary trees are red-black trees. I had just proposed 
> that someone do a red-black tree implementation for D. It's not hard, 
> the algorithms are well known. It just takes a little time to sit down 
> and do it.
(a generic implementation)

My roots are in Modula/Oberon, but if somebody is willing to translate 
the Java sources into D I am willing to help in translating/implementing 
the *missing* remove-method (-as good as possible-) , and some helper 
methods from Modula 3 into D.


// *Java basic impl.*
public class RedBlackTree<AnyType extends Comparable<? super AnyType>>
      * Construct the tree.
     public RedBlackTree( )
         nullNode = new RedBlackNode<AnyType>( null );
         nullNode.left = nullNode.right = nullNode;
         header      = new RedBlackNode<AnyType>( null );
         header.left = header.right = nullNode;

      * Compare item and t.element, using compareTo, with
      * caveat that if t is header, then item is always larger.
      * This routine is called if is possible that t is header.
      * If it is not possible for t to be header, use compareTo directly.
     private final int compare( AnyType item, RedBlackNode<AnyType> t )
         if( t == header )
             return 1;
             return item.compareTo( t.element );

      * Insert into the tree.
      * @param item the item to insert.
      * @throws DuplicateItemException if item is already present.
     public void insert( AnyType item )
         current = parent = grand = header;
         nullNode.element = item;

         while( compare( item, current ) != 0 )
             great = grand; grand = parent; parent = current;
             current = compare( item, current ) < 0 ?
                          current.left : current.right;

                 // Check if two red children; fix if so
             if( current.left.color == RED && current.right.color == RED )
                  handleReorient( item );

             // Insertion fails if already present
         if( current != nullNode )
             throw new DuplicateItemException( item.toString( ) );
         current = new RedBlackNode<AnyType>( item, nullNode, nullNode );

             // Attach to parent
         if( compare( item, parent ) < 0 )
             parent.left = current;
             parent.right = current;
         handleReorient( item );

      * Remove from the tree.
      * @param x the item to remove.
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if called.
     public void remove( AnyType x )
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException( );

      * Find the smallest item  the tree.
      * @return the smallest item or null if empty.
     public AnyType findMin( )
         if( isEmpty( ) )
             return null;

         RedBlackNode<AnyType> itr = header.right;

         while( itr.left != nullNode )
             itr = itr.left;

         return itr.element;

      * Find the largest item in the tree.
      * @return the largest item or null if empty.
     public AnyType findMax( )
         if( isEmpty( ) )
             return null;

         RedBlackNode<AnyType> itr = header.right;

         while( itr.right != nullNode )
             itr = itr.right;

         return itr.element;

      * Find an item in the tree.
      * @param x the item to search for.
      * @return the matching item or null if not found.
     public AnyType find( AnyType x )
         nullNode.element = x;
         current = header.right;

         for( ; ; )
             if( x.compareTo( current.element ) < 0 )
                 current = current.left;
             else if( x.compareTo( current.element ) > 0 )
                 current = current.right;
             else if( current != nullNode )
                 return current.element;
                 return null;

      * Make the tree logically empty.
     public void makeEmpty( )
         header.right = nullNode;

      * Print all items.
     public void printTree( )
         printTree( header.right );

      * Internal method to print a subtree in sorted order.
      * @param t the node that roots the tree.
     private void printTree( RedBlackNode<AnyType> t )
         if( t != nullNode )
             printTree( t.left );
             System.out.println( t.element );
             printTree( t.right );

      * Test if the tree is logically empty.
      * @return true if empty, false otherwise.
     public boolean isEmpty( )
         return header.right == nullNode;

      * Internal routine that is called during an insertion
      * if a node has two red children. Performs flip and rotations.
      * @param item the item being inserted.
     private void handleReorient( AnyType item )
             // Do the color flip
         current.color = RED;
         current.left.color = BLACK;
         current.right.color = BLACK;

         if( parent.color == RED )   // Have to rotate
             grand.color = RED;
             if( ( compare( item, grand ) < 0 ) !=
                 ( compare( item, parent ) < 0 ) )
                 parent = rotate( item, grand );  // Start dbl rotate
             current = rotate( item, great );
             current.color = BLACK;
         header.right.color = BLACK; // Make root black

      * Internal routine that performs a single or double rotation.
      * Because the result is attached to the parent, there are four cases.
      * Called by handleReorient.
      * @param item the item in handleReorient.
      * @param parent the parent of the root of the rotated subtree.
      * @return the root of the rotated subtree.
     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> rotate( AnyType item, 
RedBlackNode<AnyType> parent )
         if( compare( item, parent ) < 0 )
             return parent.left = compare( item, parent.left ) < 0 ?
                 rotateWithLeftChild( parent.left )  :  // LL
                 rotateWithRightChild( parent.left ) ;  // LR
             return parent.right = compare( item, parent.right ) < 0 ?
                 rotateWithLeftChild( parent.right ) :  // RL
                 rotateWithRightChild( parent.right );  // RR

      * Rotate binary tree node with left child.
     private static <AnyType> RedBlackNode<AnyType> rotateWithLeftChild( 
RedBlackNode<AnyType> k2 )
         RedBlackNode<AnyType> k1 = k2.left;
         k2.left = k1.right;
         k1.right = k2;
         return k1;

      * Rotate binary tree node with right child.
     private static <AnyType> RedBlackNode<AnyType> 
rotateWithRightChild( RedBlackNode<AnyType> k1 )
         RedBlackNode<AnyType> k2 = k1.right;
         k1.right = k2.left;
         k2.left = k1;
         return k2;

     private static class RedBlackNode<AnyType>
             // Constructors
         RedBlackNode( AnyType theElement )
             this( theElement, null, null );

         RedBlackNode( AnyType theElement, RedBlackNode<AnyType> lt, 
RedBlackNode<AnyType> rt )
             element  = theElement;
             left     = lt;
             right    = rt;
             color    = RedBlackTree.BLACK;

         AnyType               element;    // The data in the node
         RedBlackNode<AnyType> left;       // Left child
         RedBlackNode<AnyType> right;      // Right child
         int                   color;      // Color

     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> header;
     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> nullNode;

     private static final int BLACK = 1;    // BLACK must be 1
     private static final int RED   = 0;

         // Used in insert routine and its helpers
     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> current;
     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> parent;
     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> grand;
     private RedBlackNode<AnyType> great;

         // Test program
     public static void main( String [ ] args )
         RedBlackTree<Integer> t = new RedBlackTree<Integer>( );
         final int NUMS = 400000;
         final int GAP  =  35461;

         System.out.println( "Checking... (no more output means success)" );

         for( int i = GAP; i != 0; i = ( i + GAP ) % NUMS )
             t.insert( i );

         if( t.findMin( ) != 1 || t.findMax( ) != NUMS - 1 )
             System.out.println( "FindMin or FindMax error!" );

         for( int i = 1; i < NUMS; i++ )
              if( t.find( i ) != i )
                  System.out.println( "Find error1!" );

// *Modula 3 Remove*

PROCEDURE Delete (t: T; k: Key.T; VAR (*OUT*) v: Value.T): BOOLEAN =
     curr             := t.root;
     rep, repCh: Node;
     (* find the node to delete (if any *)
     WHILE curr # t.nil DO
       CASE t.keyCompare(k, curr.k) OF
       | -1 => curr := curr.l
       | 1 => curr := curr.r
       | 0 => EXIT
     IF curr = t.nil THEN RETURN FALSE END;

     (* locate replacement node and one of its children *)
     IF curr.l = t.nil OR curr.r = t.nil THEN
       rep := curr
       rep := Successor(t, curr)
     IF rep.l # t.nil THEN repCh := rep.l ELSE repCh := rep.r END;

     (* splice out "rep" node *)
     repCh.p := rep.p;
     IF rep.p = t.nil THEN
       t.root := repCh
       IF rep = rep.p.l THEN repCh.p.l := repCh ELSE repCh.p.r := repCh END

     (* save value of node to be deleted *)
     v := curr.v;

     (* copy "rep" fields into "curr" if they are different *)
     IF rep # curr THEN curr.k := rep.k; curr.v := rep.v END;

     (* rebalance tree if necessary *)
     IF rep.color = Color.Black THEN DeleteFixup(t, repCh) END;
   END Delete;

PROCEDURE DeleteFixup (t: T; ch: Node) =
   VAR p, sib: Node;
     WHILE ch # t.root AND ch.color = Color.Black DO
       p := ch.p;
       IF ch = p.l THEN
         (* "ch" is the left child of "p" *)
         sib := p.r;
         <* ASSERT sib # t.nil *>
         IF sib.color = Color.Red THEN
           (* case 1 *)
           sib.color := Color.Black;
           p.color := Color.Red;
           LeftRotate(t, p, sib);
           sib := p.r
         <* ASSERT sib.color = Color.Black AND sib # t.nil *>
         IF sib.l.color = Color.Black AND sib.r.color = Color.Black THEN
           (* case 2 *)
           sib.color := Color.Red;
           ch := p
           IF sib.r.color = Color.Black THEN
             (* case 3 *)
             <* ASSERT sib.l.color = Color.Red *>
             sib.l.color := Color.Black;
             sib.color := Color.Red;
             RightRotate(t, sib, sib.l);
             sib := p.r
           <* ASSERT sib.r.color = Color.Red *>
           (* case 4 *)
           sib.color := p.color;
           p.color := Color.Black;
           sib.r.color := Color.Black;
           LeftRotate(t, p, sib);
           ch := t.root
         (* "ch" is the right child of "p" *)
         sib := p.l;
         <* ASSERT sib # t.nil *>
         IF sib.color = Color.Red THEN
           (* case 1 *)
           sib.color := Color.Black;
           p.color := Color.Red;
           RightRotate(t, p, sib);
           sib := p.l
         <* ASSERT sib.color = Color.Black AND sib # t.nil *>
         IF sib.r.color = Color.Black AND sib.l.color = Color.Black THEN
           (* case 2 *)
           sib.color := Color.Red;
           ch := p
           IF sib.l.color = Color.Black THEN
             (* case 3 *)
             <* ASSERT sib.r.color = Color.Red *>
             sib.r.color := Color.Black;
             sib.color := Color.Red;
             LeftRotate(t, sib, sib.r);
             sib := p.l
           <* ASSERT sib.l.color = Color.Red *>
           (* case 4 *)
           sib.color := p.color;
           p.color := Color.Black;
           sib.l.color := Color.Black;
           RightRotate(t, p, sib);
           ch := t.root
     ch.color := Color.Black
   END DeleteFixup;

Indeed, a wild mixture!!!

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