Why are opCall's not implicitely assignable?

Karen Lanrap karen at digitaldaemon.com
Tue Sep 26 11:54:06 PDT 2006

Mike Parker wrote:

> Abusing the property syntax by trying to assign colors to 'roof'
> and 'seat' properties, which clearly aren't colors, is
> unreadable in the sense that it makes the 'roof' and 'seat'
> properties appear to be Color objects.

Syntactical elements cannot be abused. Only coders feel abused when 
their semantic associations to syntactic elements are disturbed.

All you are saying is, that you are unable to spontanuously change 
the views on your objects.

Why is it helping your mental style of reading code if you are forced 
to change that view with constructs like "with"---or has anybody 
complains about the "with"-statement.

And if so, why don't you accept an "append"-statement?

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