odd result from writefln on int[][]

Bradley Smith digitalmars-com at baysmith.com
Tue Apr 10 01:11:45 PDT 2007

Why does the writefln of [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] print [[1,2,3],3]?

import std.stdio;

// Ouput:
// [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
// [[1,2,3],3]
void main() {
   int[][] iaa;
   int[] ia1;
   ia1 ~= 1;
   ia1 ~= 2;
   ia1 ~= 3;
   iaa ~= ia1;

   int[] ia2;
   ia2 ~= 4;
   ia2 ~= 5;
   ia2 ~= 6;
   iaa ~= ia2;

   foreach (a; iaa) {
     writef(a, " ");


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