Misunderstanding, silly error, or compiler bug?

Peter C. Chapin pchapin at sover.net
Fri Aug 10 06:08:21 PDT 2007

I'm new to D and I'm having some trouble with an access violation error
that I can't figure out. Either I'm misunderstanding something basic
about D's semantics (which is very possible) or perhaps there is a
compiler bug.

I'm using dmd v1.020 and I'm trying to write a simple binary tree
template as an exercise. The problem is in the insert method. The full
text of tree.d is below. My complete test program, named tree_driver.d, is:

---> tree_driver.d <---
import tree;

int main( )
    Tree!(int) my_tree = new Tree!(int);

    my_tree.insert( 5 );
    my_tree.insert( 3 );
    return( 0 );
---> end <---

I compile this with the command

dmd tree_driver.d

There are no errors or warnings during compilation. When I execute this
program I get the following output:

A: new_item = 5
A: new_item = 3
D: current.data = 5
Error: Access Violation

The first two trace points (A and B) are when the root node is created.
That is handled as a special case. When the three is inserted, there is
an access violation between point D and the upcoming point E (see tree.d
below). It seems like the critical statement is:

if( new_item < current.data ) current = current.left;

The values of new_item and current.data appear to be correct. Thus the
condition is true. The reference current points at the root node (at
this time) and thus current.left should be null because of the way the
root node was initialized earlier. In that case the while loop should
end normally and "E:" should be printed.

Any suggestions as to where the problem might be?



---> tree.d <---
import std.stdio;

class Tree(T) {
    private {

        // Nodes are handled by reference.
        class Node {
                Node left;
                Node right;
                Node parent;
                T    data;

        Node  root;
        uint  count;

    this( )
        root  = null;
        count = 0;

    // Adds a copy of the new_item to the tree.
    void insert( T new_item )
        Node  fresh = new Node;
        fresh.data  = new_item;
        fresh.left  = null;
        fresh.right = null;

        writefln("A: new_item = %d", new_item);
        if( count == 0 ) {
            root = fresh;
            fresh.parent = null;
            count = 1;
        else {
            Node current = root;
            Node previous;
            while( current != null ) {
                previous = current;
                writefln("D: current.data = %d", current.data);
                if( new_item < current.data ) current = current.left;
                else if( new_item > current.data ) current = current.right;
                else return;
            fresh.parent = previous;
            if( new_item < previous.data ) previous.left = fresh;
            else if( new_item > previous.data ) previous.right = fresh;
            writefln("F: count = %d", count);

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