Send and receive in socket

Wed Aug 15 13:03:06 PDT 2007

Downs wrote:
> Charma wrote:
>>I try to use the std.socket to send data from a client to a "server". Up
>>to now i managed to get a connection and to send strings and chars of
>>text but i am not able to send and receive floats or other types of
>>Maybe anyone knows how to do that?
>>the socket-command only accepts void[] and i have no idea how to make an
>>array from the 4 bytes that a float has...
>>Thanks for any help,
>>sorry for my engrish...
> well there's always the cheap way to do it
> void socksend(T)(Socket s, T value) { s.send((cast(void
> *)&T)[0..T.sizeof]); }
> Note that this will break utterly for reference types and arrays, but
> you get the basic idea. It would probably be possible to make an
> extended version via static if that handles arrays correctly (deep
> copying), but I'm too lazy. :p
>  --downs

I've got a template that does deep copies of ragged arrays to a buffer 
that can then be reconstructed on the other end of a pipe.

Almost no docs, no type checking, haven't used it with dmd >~0.160, and 
I forget how to make it work... so have fun ;)

struct Array
    uint start;
    uint length;

T[] MakeArray(T)(Array head, byte[] buf)
    if(head.start + head.length*T.sizeof > buf.length)
     throw new ArrayConstructionError("Array mapping exceeded buffer");
    return (cast(T*)&buf[head.start])[0..head.length];

template TArray(T)
  // data: what to send
  // meta: generated meta data
  // buf: array of buffers containing data
  // i: size of all of buf data
  Array Load(T[] data,inout Array[] meta,inout byte[][] buf,inout uint i)
   Array ret;
   static if(is(typeof(data[0][0])))
    ret.start = meta.length;
    ret.length = data.length;
    meta.length = meta.length + data.length;
    foreach(int j, a;data)
     meta[ret.start+j]=TArray!(typeof(data[0][0])).Load(a,meta, buf, i);
    ret.start = i;
    ret.length = data.length;
    buf ~= (cast(byte*)data.ptr)[*T.sizeof];
    i += buf[$-1].length;
   return ret;

  // buf: cat of buf's from Load
  T[] UnLoad(Array arr, Array[] meta, byte[] buf)
   static if(is(typeof(T[0])))
    T[] ret;
    ret.length = arr.length;
    foreach(int j, a; meta[arr.start..arr.start+arr.length])
     ret[j] = TArray!(typeof(T[0])).UnLoad(a,meta, buf);
    return ret;
    return MakeArray!(T)(arr, buf);

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