Ref parameter: intended behavior or bug?

Mike Parker aldacron71 at
Tue Aug 21 09:15:11 PDT 2007

I knocked up a sample program to demonstrate reference parameters, then 
got a result that wasn't at all what I expected:


import std.stdio;

struct MyStruct
	ubyte[] contents;

class MyClass
	ubyte[] contents;

void structDefault(MyStruct ms)
	writefln("Struct default: %d", ms.sizeof);

void structRef(ref MyStruct ms)
	writefln("Struct ref: %d", ms.sizeof);

void classDefault(MyClass mc)
	writefln("Class default: %d", mc.sizeof);

void main()
	MyStruct ms;
	MyClass mc = new MyClass;

Here's the output:

Struct default: 8
Struct ref: 8
Class default: 4

The first and last are what I thought they would be, but I expected the 
Struct ref line to output 4, since it's supposed to be a ref parameter. 
I assume this to be a bug, but want to make sure there's not something 
intended going on.

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