&this pointer

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Sat Feb 10 15:22:36 PST 2007

By reference it means that 'this' already *is* a pointer.
You don't need to take it's address.  If you do you're just getting the 
address of the pointer not the address of the object.

Try something like
if you really want to see the address of the object.


e-t172 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a beginner with D, I've got some basis with C/C++ but I mainly 
> program with PHP. Ad far as I'm concerned, D is a very interesting 
> language, hence I started to develop a personal project in D to get a 
> clear idea of its features ; nonetheless, during my research, I've 
> noticed a behavior I considered very weird about the 'this' reference. 
> According to what I understood from the documentation, it is a reference 
> to the object itself, so coherently, &this should return the memory 
> address of the object itself.
> It that is correct, could one explain that to me (compiled with DMD 1.0) :
> ---
> import std.stdio;
> import std.string;
> class Test
> {
>     this()
>     {
>         writefln("in this() itself - &this : ", &this);
>         foo("called from this(), first shot");
>         foo("called from this(), second shot");
>     }
>     void foo(char[] location)
>     {
>         writefln(location, " - foo() - &this : ", &this);
>         bar(location);
>     }
>     void bar(char[] location)
>     {
>         writefln(location, " - bar() - &this : ", &this);
>     }
> }
> int main()
> {
>     auto test = new Test();
>     test.foo("called from main(), first shot");
>     test.foo("called from main(), second shot");
>     return 0;
> }
> ---
> $ ./test
> in this() itself - &this : BFAE4394
> called from this(), first shot - foo() - &this : BFAE4370
> called from this(), first shot - bar() - &this : BFAE4344
> called from this(), second shot - foo() - &this : BFAE4370
> called from this(), second shot - bar() - &this : BFAE4344
> called from main(), first shot - foo() - &this : BFAE438C
> called from main(), first shot - bar() - &this : BFAE4360
> called from main(), second shot - foo() - &this : BFAE438C
> called from main(), second shot - bar() - &this : BFAE4360
> ---
> In accordance with the output, the object location in memory endlessly 
> changes ?! I admit to be a little startled...
> e-t172

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