Trouble with anon delegates.

Pragma ericanderton at
Tue Jan 16 13:53:59 PST 2007

   I ran into a small problem regarding the use of anon delegates, and what their context (.ptr) is set to.  If anyone 
can share any insight as to if this is a bug or not, I would appreciate it.

In short: I'm attempting to create delegates on the fly and use them elsewhere.  After many strange errors, I narrowed 
it down to the following case.  Note the assertions at the end:

abstract class Foobar{
     Fn getFn();
alias void delegate() Fn;

auto foo = new class Foobar{
     int x;
     Fn getFn(){
	return { x = x };
auto fn = foo.getFn();
assert((&foo.getFn).ptr is foo); // passes
assert(fn.ptr is foo); // fails (ptr does *not* point to the object)

So by this, anon delegates are not the same as actual object delegates.  Is this a bug, or is this intentional?

"When comparing with nested functions, the function form is analogous to static or non-nested functions, and the 
delegate form is analogous to non-static nested functions. In other words, a delegate literal can access stack variables 
in its enclosing function, a function literal cannot."

As you can see, the docs are as clear as mud.  I suppose a "non-static nested function" wouldn't know about the 'this' 
pointer, nor care - but then why encumber it with the 'delegate' keyword?

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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