std.traits.ReturnType b0rking on function pointer.

Daniel Keep daniel.keep+lists at
Wed Jan 17 11:34:25 PST 2007

Hey there, I'm having problems with getting the return type of a 
function pointer.  Basically, I want to do this:

template SDL_SafeCall(alias tFn)
     ReturnType!(SDL_SetVideoMode) SDL_SafeCall(...)

where SDL_SetVideoMode is declared like so (yes, it's DerelictSDL):

typedef SDL_Surface* function(int,int,int,Uint32) pfSDL_SetVideoMode;
pfSDL_SetVideoMode          SDL_SetVideoMode;

When I try to compile my code, I get the following errors:

C:\Daniel\dmd\dmd\src\phobos\std\traits.d(34): alias 
std.traits.ReturnType!(pfSDL_SetVideoMode).ReturnType recursive alias 
C:\Daniel\dmd\dmd\src\phobos\std\traits.d(34): template instance 
std.traits.ReturnType!(pfSDL_SetVideoMode) error instantiating

I've tried writing my own version, but that didn't do any better. 
Anyone have any ideas?

	-- Daniel

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