Q about template for matching arrays

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Wed Jan 31 23:55:44 PST 2007

I'd like to write a template function something like:

    T foo(T,S)(S x)

that takes arrays of various kinds and returns an element of the base 
type (well really something derived from the base type, but that part's 

The trick is that what I'd really like is for it be able to be used in 
all of the following ways:

   // IFTI
   foo(3)    // T=int S=int
   foo([3])  // T=int S=int[]
   foo([[3]])  // T=int S=int[][]
   foo([[[3]]])  // T=int S=int[][][]
   ... etc

   // Base type explicit
   foo!(float)(3)  // T=float S=float
   foo!(float)([3])  // T=float S=float[]
   foo!(float)([[3]])  // T=float S=float[][]
   ... etc

It's easy if you say you have to call it like foo!(float[][])([[3]]), 
but that's annoying.

Any bright ideas?


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