Static/dynamic dlls

novice2 sorry at noem.ail
Fri Jul 27 23:31:39 PDT 2007

> I don't think there's any such thing as "static dll"s and "dynamic
> dll"s.  I think you have your terminology mixed up.

imho, sometimes this terms used (may be not correctly?) to distinguish dll loading method.

"static dll" sometimes means "compiler-handle dll loading". in this case you just say to compiler, that you want to use exterlanl function in some dll. then compiler generate exe such manner, that OS or helper code must load needed dll while exe starting. in windows it create import section in exe file, so windows must load dll or generate error else.

"dynamic dll" sometimes means "programmer-handle dll loading". in this case programmer write own code to find and load need dll and unload it if it not needed. in windows it can be done with LoadLibrary() api function.

i am repeat, that i can mistake and termynology misunderstanding.

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