Static operator overloads

Stuart Murray stuart.w.murray at
Mon Jun 4 22:47:57 PDT 2007

Hi everyone
I'm a newbie to D and I've spent some time in the last few days messing around, seeing how things work.

I noticed in a news posting that you can overload operators statically..


class Test
	private char[] memstring;
	this(char[] newstring)
		memstring = newstring.dup;
	char[] toString()
		return memstring;
	static Test opCat(char[] newstring)
		return new Test(newstring);
	Test opCat(char[] newstring)
		return new Test(memstring ~ newstring);

int main(char[][] args)
	Test bob = Test ~ "hello there";
	return 0;


Browsing through the documentation I didn't come across any mention that static member operators were supported. I was just wondering if they are in fact intentional?

I notice that having 2 member functions with the same signature, one static and one not, does not work (compiler claims it a conflicts). In particular, the above case, when the non-static opCmp is uncommented it will no longer compile.

Is there any notes in the documentation to this effect? because I could not find any.

Thanks for any reply.

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