WeirdCat sorry at i.hate.spam
Wed Jun 13 22:43:25 PDT 2007

David L. Davis Wrote:
>     I commented in the "pragma(lib, "Ws2_32.lib");" line in testme.d, but left it in C:\dmd\test\win32\winsock2.d...and then just added the win32\winsock2.d parameter to the commandline (dmd testme.d win32\winsock2.d). It still compiles in my tests...maybe the linker's path is missing in your environment "Path" variable.

I know that it works if you use that command line. The Problem only manifests if you link with the library (.lib), which you don't do (try: "dmd test.d lib\win32.lib". The original win32 project has _much_ more files (http://www.dsource.org/projects/bindings/browser/trunk/win32), why it is impractical to list every source file on the command line or compile it every time I rebuild the project. That's why I have to precompile the win32 directory into a library, so I can easily link it.


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