D processing a char* allocated by a C module

Carlos Smith carlos-smith at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 20 12:40:35 PDT 2007

Hi !

I have a C module, compiled with DMC.
Coming from this C module:

extern (C)
  int ccleng;     // strlen(cctext)
  int pos;
  char *cctext;   // point into an input buffer
  int yylex();

cctext is a pointer to a buffer allocated by yylex().
the buffer is small and can be freed or overwritten
by yylex();

In the D module, i do:

char[] dtext = toString(cclex);

and dtext get corrupted (not always).

I guess toString do not make a new copy of cctext,
just point to it.

How can i duplicate cctext, in D ? (strdup does not exist ?)
Will the D copy be garbage collected ?


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