
Jascha Wetzel firstname at
Mon Jun 25 09:38:50 PDT 2007

nobody wrote:
> The ddbg work an a Console but i didn't understand the usage
> from the command line. I can't find any example, anyway. 

damn, some inner voice told me that it wasn't a good idea to remove that 
example from the docs ;)
so here is the old example again. i hope you can find out everything 
beyond that from the help and the docs. i'll improve them sometime soon.

C:\ddbg> ddbg debuggee.exe
Ddbg v0.0.6 alpha - D Debugger
Copyright (c) 2007 Jascha Wetzel

->arg asdf qwer 1234
debugees\debuggee.d             segs=1 lines=85
->bp deb:190
Breakpoint set: debugees\debuggee.d:190 0x40261a
ntdll.dll  loaded
KERNEL32.dll  loaded
USER32.dll  loaded
GDI32.dll  loaded
IMM32.dll  loaded
ADVAPI32.dll  loaded
RPCRT4.dll  loaded
LPK.dll  loaded
USP10.dll  loaded
msvcrt.dll  loaded
Hello world, here are my args:
Breakpoint 0 hit
debugees\debuggee.d:190 0x40261a
         uint num_chars = printArgs(args);
->= (cast(char[][])args)[0][3..12]
->= (cast(char[][uint])testhash)[345]
debugees\debuggee.d:79 0x4020cc
uint printArgs(char[][] _D4argsAAa)
debugees\debuggee.d:81 0x4020d2
         uint numchars;
debugees\debuggee.d:81  uint numchars;
004020d2: c745d800000000          mov dword [ebp-0x28], 0x0
arg #0: C:\ddbg\debuggee.exe
arg #1: asdf
arg #2: qwer
arg #3: 1234
arg #0: C:\ddbg\debuggee.exe
arg #1: asdf
arg #2: qwer
arg #3: 1234
Unhandled D Exception (std.array.ArrayBoundsError "ArrayBoundsError 
debuggee(65)") at KERNEL32.dll  (0x7c812a5b)
#0 0x7c812a5b in ?? () from KERNEL32.dll
#1 0x00406124 in __d_throw at 4 () from deh
#2 0x00402082 in  debuggee.class2.test2 () at debugees\debuggee.d:65
#3 0x00402152 in  debuggee.printArgs (char[][] args = 
0x0012ff3400000004) at debugees\debuggee.d:103
#4 0x00402625 in _Dmain (args = 0x0012ff3400000004) at 
#5 0x0040540c in _main () from dmain2
#6 0x0040bdd5 in _mainCRTStartup () from constart
#7 0x7c816fd7 in ?? () from KERNEL32.dll

> I get the error message:
> dmd.exe -g  -IC:\dd\dmd\src\phobos -IC:\dd  -c C:\dd\hello.d -ofC:\dd\hello.obj

you don't need to call the linker separately unless you really know why. 
all you need to do is:
cd c:\dd
dmd -g hello.d

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