simple struct template

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at
Fri Mar 30 08:23:09 PDT 2007

Hendrik Renken wrote:
> how do i overload opCall, when i want to return the appropriate type, i 
> tried the obvious (at least for me):
> struct Vector(T)
> {
>     public: T x, y, z;
>     static Vector!(T) opCall(T x, T y, T z)
>     {
>     this.x, y, z = (x, y, z);

change that to:
	Vector!(T) result;
	result.x = x;
	result.y = y;
	result.z = z;
	return result;

Static member function don't _have_ a "this"

>     }
> }
> but then the compiler complains:
> function Vector.Vector!(float).Vector.opCall expected to return a value 
> of type Vector!(float)

Because you didn't actually return anything.

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