Why D _still_ needs the C preprocessor

Georg Wrede georg at nospam.org
Tue May 8 11:21:46 PDT 2007


But probably just because

   - it's puts one in awe with it's power, right up front
   - it offer amazing economy of expression for a compiled C-family
   - the documentation is scarce and scattered and obviously not
     written in an educational spirit :-(

It shouldn't be scary because it's _not_

   - intractable
   - rocket science

and it doesn't require "inhumane mental acrobatics", like the "hard-core 
template jujutsu" that's only accessible to the few of us. (That's not 
to say Walter should remove it!!)

Now, it might do D a lot of good if some of you guys got together and 
wrote one to two web pages, explaining things like

   - using templates with IFTI
   - combining delegates with both
   - maybe some other things related to this

If this gets well written (as in good textbook style) with good 
examples, then I believe most of us would happily end up using this 
stuff in regular code.


BCS wrote:
 > Reply to Justin,
 >> nobody at nowhere.nonet Wrote:
 >> It's not as sugary sweet as you may want, but you can leave off the
 >> 'delegate' keyword.
 >> OMF_Record[] results = library.select_records((OMF_Record rec) {
 >> return (rec.record_type == LIB_HEADER);});
 > I can't think of any reason that the above shouldn't be reducable to
 > auto results = lib.select_records((rec){return (rec.record_type ==
 > LIB_HEADER);});
 > as long as there is only one function that take a delegate that takes
 > one argument, the type of the argument could be inferred.

Unknown W. Brackets wrote:
> Haha, sorry.  It's a shortcut syntax for templates.  Here's a few 
> clearer examples:
> bool in_array (T) (T item, T[] array);
> T max (T) (T[] array);
> Essentially, it's like creating a template, with the parameters listed 
> after the function first, with a function inside that has the second 
> list of parameters and same return type.
> I prefer them because it makes namespacing cleaner, usually.  Also, in 
> the above examples, you can leave off the ! because it will guess based 
> on parameters... meaning you could do:
> int[] example;
> int i = max(example);
> In this case, it does mean that the clause cannot be dynamic, as it can 
> in SQL (it must be known at compile time.)  For that, you'd have to 
> introduce parameters of some sort, e.g.:
> OMF_Record[] select_records (char[] clause) (box[] parameters...);
> library.select_records!("rec.record_type == 
> unbox!(int)(parameters[1])")(1);
> I'm not sure if the above is exactly right off hand, but you get the 
> idea.  That isn't quite as clean (although you could do more advanced 
> parsing of the string at compile time to make it better.)
> The ! is how you create a template.  In this case, I'm abusing the fact 
> that you can leave parens off the function call.
> Does that make more sense?
> -[Unknown]
>> Unknown W. Brackets <unknown at simplemachines.org> spewed this unto the 
>> Network:
>>> Hmm.... isn't this what the new mixins are for?
>>> Example (just to fit in with your example, you'll have to adjust):
>>> ------
>>> struct OMF_Record
>>> {
>>>     int record_type;
>>> }
>>> struct library
>>> {
>>> static:
>>>     OMF_Record[] select_records (char[] clause) ()
>>>     {
>>>         OMF_Record[] results;
>>>         OMF_Record rec;
>>>         if (mixin(clause))
>>>             results ~= rec;
>>>         return results;
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> int main()
>>> {
>>>     OMF_Record[] records = library.select_records!("rec.record_type 
>>> == 1");
>>>     return 0;
>>> }
>>> -----
>>> That's what you want, right?  I mean, the ! isn't too bad is it?
>>> -[Unknown]
>> Well, that isn't too bad. But why does it work?  I don't see the word
>> "template" anywhere, but at this website:
>>     http://www.digitalmars.com/d/mixin.html
>> It never says "mixin" without saying "template" first. I was under
>> the impression that mixins only operated on templates.
>> I've also never seen the ! away from the word "mixin". What does the
>> "!" mean?
>> And why does select_records()() get an extra set of parentheses now?

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