Cannot call mutable method on final struct

Carlos Santander csantander619 at
Mon Sep 10 06:32:12 PDT 2007

Christopher Wright escribió:
> Carlos Santander wrote:
>> I don't use D 2.0, but here it goes...
>> string is const(char)[] or const char[] or something like that... It's 
>> const, anyway, so you aren't supposed to modify it. Replace "string 
>> value" with "char[] value".
> If I use char[] rather than string, it fails with the error message I 
> stated (and indeed, in the original, I used char[] accidentally). If I 
> just call Box.toString and don't do anything with the returned string, 
> it fails with the same error message.
> 'string ~= whatever' is valid because the string is not final. The 
> compiler rewrites it as 'string = string ~ whatever'.
> New minimal test case:
> ---
> import std.boxer;
> void main () {
>    foreach (b; boxArray(9, 'b')) {
>       b.toString;
>    }
> }
> ---

In that case, I guess the workaround (ref b) is not really a workaround but the 
way it should be done.

Carlos Santander Bernal

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