New to D, path errors under WinXP

Regan Heath regan at
Tue Sep 11 01:58:47 PDT 2007

Johannes wrote:
>> (Kirk McDonald:) Where did the c:\d\ directory come from?
> From the wiki4d "Evaulation Guide". I tried just making \DMD and \DM first, and setting the path in different ways.
> The program I'm specifically trying to compile right now is TinyPTC (which has cast syntax errors btw).
>> Add dm\bin and dmd\bin to the path, and you're done.
> Could this be some wierd thing with Windows XP not using the same path system as real DOS?

If you want DMD to look for imports or libs in these paths:

you need to tell it to, using -I on the command line (for imports, not 
sure what you use for libs), or by editing sc.ini (which works for both 
and is the easiest solution by far - just remember that if you upgrade 
dmd it will get overwritten so keep a backup).

It's as simple as that.


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