C++ MSG_MAP marcro -> Mixin

BLS nanali at nospam-wanadoo.fr
Wed Sep 19 12:21:14 PDT 2007

MFC and wxWidgets are supporting MESSAGEMAPS macros. I would like to 
port them to D.

class CMsg

	virtual BOOL NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam,LRESULT lResult)
		return FALSE;

Okay, here iy goes ....
#define BEGIN_MSG_MAP() \
public: \
	virtual BOOL NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam,LRESULT& lResult) \
	{ \
#define ON_MESSAGE(Msg, vfunc) \
	if(uID == Msg) \
	{ \
		vfunc(uID, wParam, lParam); \
		lResult = 0; \
		return TRUE; \

#define ON_MESSAGE_RANGE(MsgF, MsgL, vfunc) \
	if(uID >= MsgF && uID <= MsgL) \
	{ \
		lResult=vfunc(uID, wParam, lParam); \
		return TRUE; \

#define ON_COMMAND_CONTROL(iControl, iEvent, vfunc) \
	if(uID == WM_COMMAND && iControl == LOWORD(wParam) && iEvent == 
HIWORD(wParam)) \
	{ \
		vfunc(HIWORD(wParam), LOWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam); \
		lResult = 0; \
		return TRUE; \

and so on....

Is it possible to replace this C++ Macros with D2 Mixins and compile 
time manipulation of strings ?
How ?
Thanks, Bjoern

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