C++ Macro to D mixin template, delegates Please help

BLS nanali at nospam-wanadoo.fr
Thu Sep 20 07:29:59 PDT 2007

Please have a look on my translation.
Problems are
1) porting C++ macros
2) use of delegates within template mixins

/*  THE C++ Stuff , a fragment
class CMsg

	virtual BOOL NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam,LRESULT lResult)
		return FALSE;

#define BEGIN_MSG_MAP() \
public: \
	virtual BOOL NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam,LRESULT& lResult) \
	{ \

#define ON_WM_CLOSE(vfunc)\
	if (uID == WM_CLOSE) \
	{ \
		lResult =vfunc(); \
		return lResult; \

// and so on ............

class CWin : public CMsg


	virtual BOOL OnClose()
		return TRUE;



EOF C++ stuff */

THE D port
module dgt.win;

  // All Window's messages will be mapped in this function
class CMsg

     bool NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam,LRESULT lResult)
         return false;


template ON_WM_CLOSE(D) (D delegate() dg)
     if (uID == WM_CLOSE)
         lResult = dg();
         return lResult;

template ON_MESSAGE_RANGE(M1, M2, D) (M1 MsgF, M2 MsgL, D delegate(...) dg )
     if(uID >= MsgF && uID <= MsgL)
         lResult = dg(uID, wParam, lParam);
          return true;

// Window
  class CWin : CMsg

     bool onClose()
         return true;

     override bool NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam, ref LRESULT lResult)
         mixin ON_WM_CLOSE!(&CWin.OnClose);

Okay, I've ported it as good as I can... the available tutorials are not 
very helpfull in this case. So please help

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