Array of member functions generated at compile time

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Fri Apr 25 12:08:23 PDT 2008

"Jason Langenauer" <jason at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.466.1209133945.2351.digitalmars-d-learn at
> Hi,
> I'm trying to generate at compile-time an associative array of
> function pointers to class member functions where the key in the array
> is the name of the member function itself.
> What my best attempt so far has been is as follows, which doesn't compile:
> class ApplicationController
> {
>  void function()[char[]] action_map;
>  this()
>  {
>    mixin ArrayMap!(build_code(__traits( derivedMembers,
> ApplicationController )));
>  }

Problem number 1: you're using the wrong kind of mixin.  You want a string 
mixin, which just involves putting parens around the mixin argument:


>  char[] build_code(invariant(char)[][] actions)
>  {
>    char[] code;
>    foreach(invariant(char)[] action; actions)
>      {
>        code ~= "action_map[\"" ~ action ~ "\"] = &(" ~ action ~ ");";
>      }
>    return code;
>  }

Problems 2 and 3: this function can't be evaluated at compile time for 2 
reasons.  One, it's not static, so make it so.  Two, for some reason (that I 
really don't feel like wrapping my head around), the string concatenation 
fails as-is.  If you change it to:

code ~= "action_map[\"" ~ action.dup  ~ "\"] = &(" ~ action.dup ~ ");";

(note the dups), it works.

>  template ArrayMap(char[] code)
>  {
>    const ArrayMap = code;
>  }
> }

Now, all that will make it work like you expect.  However, it doesn't quite 
do what you want because (1) derivedMembers gives you all members including 
data members and not just methods, and (2) unless a member really is a void 
function(), you're not going to be able to put it in that AA.  If you take 
the address of a member function in a non-static context anyway, you're 
going to end up with a delegate, not a function pointer.  So either you'll 
have to filter, at compile time, the list of methods that you want to wrap 
and only allow those with a void() signature, or you'd have to do something 
a bit crazier and come up with some kind of variant delegate type that would 
allow any kind of delegate to be stored in that AA. 

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