More on Listener Output

Ty Tower tytower at
Mon Apr 28 01:10:07 PDT 2008

Barry Denton Wrote:

>  Here is a simpler table to compile and test event returns.
>  The "set data" listener should return details of each item set in the table. It returns 9 empty events rather than 10 with details.
>  The ""Selection " listener should also return an event containing info but does not.
> What is the cause? It seems to be in Event?
> -----------------------------------------------
> module tabletester;
> import dwt.DWT;
> import dwt.widgets.Display;
> import dwt.widgets.Shell;
> import dwt.layout.GridLayout;
> import dwt.widgets.Button;
> import dwt.widgets.Table;
> import dwt.widgets.TableItem;
> import dwt.widgets.Listener;
> import dwt.widgets.Event;
> import dwt.widgets.Shell;
> import tango.time.WallClock;
> import;
> import tango.text.locale.Locale;
> import tango.util.Convert;
> void main () {
>   Display display = new Display ();
>   Shell shell = new Shell (display);
>   shell.setText("Tester");
>   GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
>   shell.setLayout(gridLayout);
>   auto clock = new WallClock;
>   auto layout = new Locale;
>   const int COUNT = 10;
>   char [][COUNT] itemFields ;
>   for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
>       itemFields [i] = ( "item " ~ to!(char[]) (i)) ~ "  ";      }
>   table.addListener(DWT.SetData, new class Listener {
>     void handleEvent(Event event) {
>       TableItem tableitem = cast (TableItem)event.item;
>       int index = event.index;
>       tableitem.setText(itemFields [index]);
> }   }  );
>   table.setItemCount(COUNT);
>   table.setEnabled=true;
>   table.setVisible(true);
>   table.setSize(200, 200);
>   Button button = new Button(shell, DWT.PUSH | DWT.BORDER);
>   button.setText("Change item at index 5");
>   button.setEnabled(true);    
>   button.setVisible(true);    
>   button.setBounds(400, 120, 50, 70); 
>   button.addListener(DWT.Selection, new class Listener {
>     void handleEvent(Event event) {
>       itemFields [5] = ("item has changed ");
>       Stdout.formatln("{}",event);
>       Stdout.print(itemFields).newline;
>       table.clear(5);   }  }); 
>   table.addListener(DWT.SetData, new class Listener {
>     void handleEvent(Event event) {
>        Stdout.formatln("{}" , event);
>        TableItem t = cast (TableItem)event.item;
>        t.setText(itemFields [event.index]);  }   }  );
>   table.addListener(DWT.Selection, new class Listener {
>     void handleEvent(Event event) {
>       Stdout.print(event).newline;
>       Stdout.print(itemFields).newline;
> }  }); 
>    shell.pack();
>   while (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
>   if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
> }
> display.dispose ();
> }
> -----------------------------------------
> Out..
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=0 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
Indeed the event should have the item no in it's returned data
which says
"Gets the index of the item and sets its text accordingly. The index of this item can be found in the event's index field (@since 3.2). Alternatively, this index can be computed with Table.indexOf(TableItem)." Assuming that Frank is converting a version of 3.2 or over?

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