multi thread sampl

Wyverex wyverex.cypher at
Thu Aug 7 09:09:38 PDT 2008

Zarathustra wrote:
> Where Can I find example of multi thread application in D?

Heres a simple in Tango

Mutex myLock;  //used to control one thread outputs at a time
//first thread prints 1 -> 30
void count()
	for(int i = 1; i <= 30; i++)
		say( i );
		//if i is even yield our time slice
		if (i & 1)  Thread.yield;

void abc()
	for(char i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++)
		say( "" ~ i ); //make sure it gets passed as a char[]
		//if i is even yield our time slice
		if (i & 1) Thread.yield;

//sting say
void say( char[] msg )
    //lock so say(int) cant write at same time
    synchronized( myLock ) Stdout(msg).newline;

//int say
void say( int msg )
    //again lock so say(char[]) cant write
    synchronized( myLock ) Stdout(msg).newline;

void main()
   //make a pool of 2 threads
   auto pool = new ThreadPool!() ( 2 );

   //make our lock
   myLock = new Mutex;

   //add our threads to the pool, assign will start them right away
   //out queues them if all threads are busy,  assign takes delegates
   //so we just wrap our funcs in braces :)
   pool.assign(  { count; } );
   pool.assign(  { abc ; } );

   //We join all threads! (wait till there finished and clean up

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