Programming Puzzle 8-8-08 (spoiler)

Wyverex wyverex.cypher at
Fri Aug 8 12:21:42 PDT 2008

//Heres a backtracking solution


char[][] boards =

void main()
   foreach(org; boards)
     auto sol = solve( org.dup, 0 );

     for(int x = 0; x <81; x+=9)
       Stdout.formatln("{}  {}  {}", org[x..x+9], (x == 4*9 ? "=": " "), 

char[] solve( char[] board, int index )
   if( index >= 81 )
     return board;

   if( board[index] != '0' )
     return solve( board, index + 1 );

   for( int i = 1; i < 10; i++ )
     board[index] = i + '0';

     if( !test( board, index ) ) continue;

     auto ans = solve( board, index + 1 );
     if( ans !is null )
       return ans;

   board[index] = '0';
   return null;

bool test( char[] board, int index )
   //tests if the new number is legal
   int x = index % 9;
   int y = index / 9;

   //test what row the number is in
     int[10] find;
     for(int i = y*9; i < y*9+9; i++)
       int n = board[i] - '0';
       if(n == 0) continue;
       if(find[n] == 1) return false;
       find[n] = 1;

   //test the column
     int[10] find;
     for( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
       int n = board[i*9 + x] - '0';
       if(n == 0) continue;
       if(find[n] == 1) return false;
       find[n] = 1;

   //now to test the local block
     int bx = x / 3;
     int by = y / 3;
     int[10] find;
     for( int yy = by * 3; yy < (by * 3) + 3; ++yy )
       for( int xx = bx*3; xx < (bx * 3) + 3; ++xx )
         int i = yy*9+xx;
         int n = board[i] - '0';
         if(n == 0) continue;
         if(find[n] == 1) return false;
         find[n] = 1;

   return true;

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