DLL'ing the GC

Dan murpsoft at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 12 03:38:32 PST 2008

0ffh Wrote:

> Dan Lewis wrote:
> > [...]
> > I've since been working on my tokenizer while I waited for a
> > response.  I'll probably carry on with that for the rest of today in
> > hopes someone has the patience for me.
> I don't think it's about patience. It's more like it's... nontrivial. =)
> I don't know from the top of my head. While I think it's possible to
> reassign the work from the EXE's GC to the DLL's at runtime, I'm not
> so sure about how you will create the EXE in the first place without
> linking it to the GC. You would have to have a kind of proxy GC-lib
> that provides all the necessary symbols and minimal memory management
> (allocation) until the GC-in-the-DLL is loaded. You then recompile
> you runtime lib (Phobos or Tango, btw?) with that GC-"stub".
> All that sounds like a long, nontrivial process, and will probably
> not be explained exhaustively in one posting, as you'll have to do
> it in order to know what exactly you have to do. =)
> regards, frank

Alright guys, I've got the GC in a DLL, and apparently there's a separate file provided with DMD that provides the symbols for the GC, without bringing in the whole machine.

I need to figure out how to:

1) compile Walnut without the GC in it.
2) cause Walnut to use the GC DLL.

Getting this solved will let us profile programs in a disassembler without 80kb of unrelated crap staring back.

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