setting statically sized multi-dimensional arrays

Hoenir mrmocool at
Tue Jan 22 02:07:01 PST 2008

Spacen Jasset schrieb:
> void MakeRotationAboutX(float[4][4] m, float angle)
> {
>     m[] = [[1f, 0, 0, 0],
>            [0, cos(angle * PI / 180), sin(angle * PI / 180), 0],
>            [0, -sin(angle * PI / 180), cos(angle * PI / 180), 0],
>            [0, 0, 0, 1]];
> }
why don't you use an extra function for the conversion of deg to rad? it 
will get inlined by the compiler so there's no efficiency loss.

btw you rotate clockwise, is this intented?

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