corner case with labled break

BCS ao at
Sun Jan 27 14:32:51 PST 2008

Reply to Jason,

> Shouldn't the code be:
> |void main()
> |{
> |foo: while(true)
> |break foo;   // works
> |
> |bar: switch(6)
> |{
> |case 5:
> |while(true)
> |break bar;   // fails
> |
> |case 6:
> |goto case 5;  // works
> |
> |}
> |}
> With embedded switches, "case 5" isn't always unique.

Ok, but that same problem happens with goto case #;

based on that, this should be added:

outer: switch(n)
  case 1:
       case 2: goto outer case 2;
  case 2:

>  Also, the
> "break case 5" syntax almost implies to me that it should return to
> case 6.  I hope that's not what you wanted...

Ok so it loops forever, but I /was/ intending that the break exit the loop 
and continue down the case statment

This would be a more sane example. 

|void main()
| foo: while(true)
|  break foo;   // works
| switch(6)
| {
|  case 5:
|   while(true)
|    break case 5;   // fails
|   somthing();
|   break;
|  case 6:
|   goto case 5;  // works
| }

The point is that case ###: lables act like normal lables elseware, why not 
with break?

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