deducing Template Tuple Parameters

Im, Jihyuk icedac at
Tue Jan 29 04:46:43 PST 2008

oops for failed text format :0

I saw the Curry example in

import std.stdio;

/* R is return type
 * A is first argument type
 * U is TypeTuple of rest of argument types
R delegate(U) Curry(R, A, U...)(R delegate(A, U) dg, A arg)
    struct Foo
 typeof(dg) dg_m;
 typeof(arg) arg_m;

 R bar(U u)
     return dg_m(arg_m, u);

    Foo* f = new Foo;
    f.dg_m = dg;
    f.arg_m = arg;
    return &;

void main()
    int plus(int x, int y, int z)
 return x + y + z;

    auto plus_two = Curry(&plus, 2);
    writefln("%d", plus_two(6, 8)); // prints 16

But this example use gc instead of manual delete (or RAII), I try to make it
return functor.

template Curry( R, A, U... )
 class Curried
  alias R delegate ( A, U ) Source;
  Source   src_;
  A     arg_;

  this( Source src, A arg )
   src_ = src; arg_ = arg;
   writefln( "Curried ctor" );
  { writefln( "Curried dtor" ); }

  R opCall( U u )
  { return src_( arg_, u ); }

 Curried Curry( R delegate(A, U) dg, A arg )
  return new Curried( dg, arg );

void CurryTest()
 int sum( int a, int b, int c ) { return a+b+c; }

 writefln( "start of curry block" );
  scope auto p = Curry( &sum, 1 );
  writefln( "%d", p( 2, 3 ) ); // == 6
    } // automatically p is deleted from here
 writefln( "end of curry block" );

but this code emits

D:\_work\java_flash\test\test.d(206): template test.Curry(R,A,U...) is not a 
function template
D:\_work\java_flash\test\test.d(239): template test.Curry(R,A,U...) cannot 
deduce template function from argument types (int delegate(int a, int b, int 
it cant be deduce? actually, i modifed that code to this for making compiler 

class Bind1stFunctor(R, A, U...)
 alias R delegate ( A, U ) Source;
 Source   src_;
 A     arg_;

 this( Source src, A arg )
  src_ = src;
  arg_ = arg;
  writefln( "Bind1stFunctor ctor" );
  writefln( "Bind1stFunctor dtor" );

 R opCall( U u )
  return src_( arg_, u );

Bind1stFunctor!(R, A, U ) Curry1st(R, A, U...)(R delegate(A, U) dg, A arg)
 return new Bind1stFunctor!(R,A,U)( dg, arg );

can you tell me what's wrong with the second source? I just wanna make it as 
one template scope like


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