Help needed on inline assembly

Hendrik Renken funsheep at -[no-spam]
Wed Jan 30 04:13:39 PST 2008


i'd like to work with the SSE-commands in assembly. I wrote some
testroutines (with my limited knowledge). Some of them work, others
dont. I'd like to know, why's that so. Can someone of you guys help me out?

First thing:
#void main()
#	float[4] array = [ 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f ];
#	float* a = &array[0];
#//	float t;
#	asm
#	{
#		mov EBX, a;
#		movaps XMM1, [EBX];
#	}

doesnt work. uncomment the line
//	float t;

and it works. Why? Does the assembler code need to be aligned to
something? When yes, how can i do this without the need of allocating
another float on the stack?

Second thing: I dont know how to address a public const variable, with
my limited knowledge i would do something like this:

#float[4] array = [ 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f ];
#void main()
#	float* a = &array[0];
#	asm
#	{
#		mov EAX, [a];
#		movaps XMM1, [EAX];		
#	}

But i get a secfault. Why? I would interpret the code like this: a holds
the address to the first arrayelement. moc EAX, [a]; copies the address
to the first arrayelement to EAX. Which is then used to access the array.

Im using DMD 1.024 (since later versions broke derelict on my platform)

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