Pointer to C++ member possible?

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 9 13:46:13 PDT 2008

"Bill Baxter" <dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com> wrote in message 
news:fr1hre$2ha9$1 at digitalmars.com...

> There's no standardized ABI for name mangling either, but calling a C++ 
> mangled name is what D's extern(C++) lets you do.  From what I understand 
> it just picks a particular ABI, e.g. DMD uses DMC's ABI. If/when GDC 
> supports it, it will use the g++ ABI.
> So no standard ABI is not really a reason for not supporting it. Handling 
> the non-standard ABI is supposed to be the job of extern(C++).

Good point.

> But seems like lack of a similar concept in D is a problem.  The topic of 
> C++-like pointer-to-member has come up before.  I think there is some sort 
> of hack to do a D version of it by setting the delegate's .ptr property? 
> Casting to void* and setting it seems to work:

Works for pointers-to-member-functions (that is, if the given C++ ABI uses 
the same ABI as a delegate), but what about pointers-to-member-data? 

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