access subclass functions

Saaa empty at
Thu Nov 20 22:23:55 PST 2008

Thanks !!
I miss university :'(

>>> Informally, "virtual" means "can be overridden". It only applies to
>>> methods on classes. This definition is informal and ambiguous.
>> virtual functions are slowers because you have the extra step of
>> vtable, right?
>> How much of a difference can I expect?
>> Because it doesn't look like a lot of work: just one single table lookup.
> There are two issues, both relating to caching. First, your vtbl might not 
> be in cache, which means an expensive memory lookup. Second, the cpu has a 
> cache of instructions you're about to execute; with a non-virtual 
> function, that's a fixed target, so the cpu can do better prefetching.
> In practice, your typeinfo is probably reasonably high in your cache, so 
> it won't take very long. A smart compiler should probably put all the 
> vtbls in the same region of memory, ideally arranged according to 
> inheritance. (Maybe not, I'm not an expert.) Actually arranging this is 
> probably quite impossible.
> At any rate, if your performance is bad, you'd be better off profiling. If 
> profiling doesn't show anything interesting and you still need a minor 
> performance boost, you can try marking everything as final. If your code 
> consists entirely of function calls, you might get a 20-50% speed 
> increase. If it's more typical code, maybe a 2% speed increase. (Judging 
> by random microbenchmarks I've seen on the intarwebs.)
>>> Virtual dispatch just consists of pointing to a different vtbl with a 
>>> different function in that slot.
>> Virtual dispatch?
> You make a method call. The compiler dispatches that to a particular 
> concrete, free-floating function that happens to take a hidden parameter 
> named 'this'.
> With virtual dispatch, you might call a different function depending on 
> the type of 'this'.
>> When I need to know whether I can override it, it becomes virtual?
>> How does the compiler know that I want that?
> If it's final, you can't override it.
> If you override something, your override can be final:
> class Base
> {
>    /* virtual */ void foo () { writefln("!"); }
> }
> class Final : Base
> {
>    // I'm virtual, but you can't override me.
>    final override void foo () { writefln("!"); }
> }
> class Fail : Final
> {
>    // Told you you can't override me.
>    override void foo () { writefln("I don't even compile :("); }
> }
> The rest of what I was saying mainly applies to people using reflection to 
> determine whether a function can be overridden. 

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