No subject

Sat Nov 15 23:40:05 PST 2008

        assume  CS:_D4test1C5opAddMFC4test1CZC4test1C
L0:             push    EAX
                push    EBX
                push    offset FLAT:_D4test1C7__ClassZ
                call    near ptr __d_newclass
                mov     EBX,EAX
                mov     EAX,8[ESP]
                mov     ECX,8[EAX]
                mov     EDX,010h[ESP]

What it is necessary to make such listing?

$ obj2asm
Digital Mars .OBJ file disassembler Version 8.51.3
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 2000-2007.  All Rights Reserved.
Written by Walter Bright
     obj2asm [-l] [-o] objfile[.obj] [srcfile] [-c[outfile[.cod]]]
        -c Specify output filename
        -l Omit generated code labels
        -o Output object code for each assembly instruction.
        -x Emit code offsets

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