more cyclical confoundedness

Jarrett Billingsley jarrett.billingsley at
Wed Apr 8 21:33:51 PDT 2009

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Ellery Newcomer
<ellery-newcomer at> wrote:
> Och, I feel so alone. I'll rephrase the question:
> How is a cyclic dependency defined? Is it a cycle formed by imports in which
> two or more of the modules contain static constructors?
> The reason I ask is because I'm trying to mechanize finding these cyclic
> dependencies, and my example suggests that the above assumption will
> generate a large proportion of false positives, or else the compiler ignores
> a large proportion of true positives.

Cyclic module initialization dependencies are not detected by the
compiler, but instead by the runtime.  The reasons for this are
somewhat weak (you _might_ have a separately-compiled module whose
interface is defined in a .di file that doesn't tell you there's a
static ctor.. sounds like a deficiency in .di files to me).

Basically the way it works is that it starts with the module that
contains main (I think?), then does a depth-first inorder
initialization of all modules that it imports.  When a module with a
static ctor is encountered, it is flagged as "in the process of being
initialized", then any modules that it imports are initialized, then
its static ctor is run, and then it is flagged as "done being
initialized".  If a module has no static ctor, it is never marked as
"in the process".  If, at any time, an attempt is made to initialize a
module which is already in the process, an exception is thrown and you
get the dreadful "cyclic dependency" runtime error.

Your example code confounds me.  I don't know why it behaves
differently based on import order.  Like you, I'd expect for there to
be a cyclic initialization in either case.

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