Convert from console input

Sam Hu samhudotsamhu at
Fri Apr 10 02:55:57 PDT 2009

Hello everybody ,

I'am learning D2.028+Phobos and wrote a excise which purpose is to write a generic method which an retrieve the console input with desired type.Say if I want the user to input an integer to the console,or a double to the console,just write below code:double salary=askfor!(double);
Below is my attemp :

module askForInput;

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.c.stdlib;

T askfor(T)()
    char[]msg=cast(char[])"Please enter ";
    char[] temp;
    static if(is(T==int) || is(T== long ))
        temp=cast(char[])"an integer";
     else static if(is(typof(T[])==char[])|| is(typeof(T[])==dchar[]) || is(typeof(T[])==wchar[]))
        temp=cast(char[])"a string";
     else static if(is(typeof(T)== short)|| is(typeof(T)==float)|| is(typeof(T)==double))
        temp=cast(char[])"a decimal";
     char[] retval=msg~temp~" :";

        char[] input=cast(char[])readln;
        return to!(T)(input);
     //catch(ConvError whatever)
     //   writefln("Cannot convert.Error occurred.");
     //   return T.init;
int main(char[][] args)
    int test=askfor!(int);
    writefln("you entered %d",test);


    return 0;

It compiled but threw an ConvError when running:

D:\Laguage\Dex>dmd askforinput.d

Please enter an integer :4
std.conv.ConvError: conversion Can't convert value `
' of type const(char)[] to type int


I have no clue why the convertion is not permitted.Could anybody here help me?Thanks so much!


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