Determining if a symbol is a function

Doctor J nobody at
Sun Apr 12 12:25:56 PDT 2009

I want to test whether a struct member is a real field or a property at compile time.  I thought this is what is(type == function) is supposed to do, but I can't find anything that will make is(type == function) true.  What am I doing wrong?

import std.stdio;

int func0()
    return 0;

int func1(int x)
    return x;

int main()
    static if (is(func0))
        writefln("func0 is semantically correct.");
    static if (is(func0 == function))
        writefln("func0 is a function.");
        writefln("func0 is NOT a function.");
    writefln("typeof(func0): %s\n", typeof(func0).stringof);
    static if (is (func0()))
        writefln("func0() is semantically correct.");
    static if (is(func0() == function))
        writefln("func0() is a function.");
        writefln("func0() is NOT a function.");
    writefln("typeof(func0()): %s", typeof(func0()).stringof);
    // And for good measure, this one doesn't even compile; why is that?
    // writefln("typeof(func1): %s", typeof(func1).stringof);   
    return 0;

This outputs:

func0 is NOT a function.
typeof(func0): (int())()

func0() is NOT a function.
typeof(func0()): int

Oh, and I'm using Phobos 1.0 with gdc.  :)

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