Some performance questions

Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at
Mon Feb 2 06:20:49 PST 2009

Lars Kyllingstad wrote:
> I have some functions for which I want to find the nicest possible 
> combination of performance and usability. I have two suggestions as to 
> how they should be defined.
> "Classic" style:
>     real myFunction(real arg, int someParam, inout real aReturnValue)
>     {
>         declare temporary variables;
>         do some calculations;
>         store a return value in aReturnValue;
>         return main return value;
>     }
> The user-friendly way, where the function is encapsulated in a class:
>     class MyFunctionWorkspace
>     {
>         declare private temporary variables;
>         real anotherReturnValue;
>         this (int someParam)
>         { ... }
>         real myFunction(real arg)
>         {
>             do some calculations;
>             store a return value in aReturnValue;
>             return main return value;
>         }
>     }
> I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but let me first 
> say why I think the last case is more user-friendly. For one thing, the 
> same class can be used over and over again with the same parameter(s). 
> Also, the user only has to retrieve aReturnValue if it is needed. If 
> there are many such "additional" inout parameters which are seldom 
> needed, it gets tedious to declare variables for them every time the 
> function is called. I could overload the function, but this also has 
> drawbacks if there are several inout parameters with the same type.
> My questions are:
> - If I do like in the second example above, and reuse temporary 
> variables instead of allocating them every time the function is called, 
> could this way also give the best performance? (Yes, I know this is bad 
> form...)
> ...or, if not...
> - If I (again in the second example) move the temporary variables inside 
> the function, so they are allocated on the stack instead of the heap 
> (?), will this improve or reduce performance?
> I could write both types of code and test them against each other, but I 
> am planning to use the same style for several different functions in 
> several modules, and want to find the solution which is generally the 
> best one.
> -Lars

If I understand right that your main concern is with parameters that are 
used over and over and over again -- which I can empathize with -- you 
could also look into function currying.  Assuming you are using Phobos, 
the module you want to look at is std.bind, usage of which is pretty 
straightforward.  Given a function:

real pow (real base, real exp);

You could emulate a square() function via std.bind like so:

square = bind(&pow, _0, 2.0);
square(42.0); // same as: pow(42.0, 2.0)

If you are using Tango, I'm honestly not sure off the top of my head 
what the relevant module is, but you could always install Tangobos and 
use std.bind just fine.

All that being said, I have no experience with currying functions with 
inout parameters.  If my understanding of how std.bind works its magic 
is right, it should be fine.  I believe it wraps the call up in a 
structure, which means the actual parameter will be from a field of said 
structure... which, actually, means it could also store state.  That in 
itself could be an interesting capability.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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