object splitting in multiple threads

yes yes at no.com
Fri Jan 9 21:18:55 PST 2009

Does Phobos also do threadpools?

Somehow I liked the idea of an Object like agent smith, just duplicate yourself when the task is too big. ( ^_^ )

> Hm... I guess I understand now, you need a task parallelization, right?
> In order to do this, you usually separate the task into several independent sub-tasks, put into a queue and wait until it is finished.
> For example, we have a list of files to download from remote server. For each file, we create a new connection and retrieve it independently (and, possibly, out of order):
> import tango.core.ThreadPool;
> void execute()
> {
>     auto pool = new ThreadPool!(string)(10); // create a thread pool with 10 threads
>     string[] fileList = loadFileList();
>     foreach (string filePath; fileList) {
>         pool.append(&download, filePath);   // append the task
>     }
>     pool.finish(); // wait until all the tasks complete
> }
> void download(string fileName)
> {
>     // ...
> }
> In this example, I create a lot of threads (more than hardware runs concurrently) because the CPU is not a bottleneck.
> You may experience different results in different CPU workaload, though.
> Hope that helps.

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