compile time output

Trass3r mrmocool at
Tue Jan 20 12:47:33 PST 2009

BCS schrieb:
> template Tpl(T...)
> {
>  alias T Tpl;
> }
> template Range(int l, int u)
> {
>  static if(l<u)
>    alias Tpl!(l, Range!(l+1,u)) Range;
>  else
>    alias Tpl!(l) Range;
> }
> const char[][] set = ["Hello"[], "world" ];
> void main()
> {
>  foreach(str; Range!(0,set.length-1)) // compile time foreach over the 
> numbers from 0 to set.length-1
>    pragma(msg, set[str]);
> }

Still doesn't work for this code (used with a mixin):
template classMixin()
static this()
	auto members = __traits(allMembers, typeof(this));
	foreach(m; Range!(0, members.length-1))
		pragma(msg, members[m]);
		static if (is (typeof(__traits(getMember, this, members[m])) F == 
			pragma(msg, "function");

-> Error: string expected for message, not 'members[0u]'

Leaving out the first pragma, compiles but doesn't output anything.
Replacing members[m] with a valid method name, such as "__ctor" it 
outputs function correctly :(

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