How to release memory? (D2.0.30)

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Fri Jul 3 15:41:12 PDT 2009

>       void[] dat=new void[50_000_000]; // allocate 50 MByte of dummy-data

I am not sure, but the GC may scan that chunk of voids. If you need a raw block it may be better to work with an array of uint.

> Why can't the GC remove that data and how CAN I remove it?

If you really need to remove it, then you may not allocate it from the GC heap in the first place, and use the C heap, with a malloc and then free. But that requires a full manual management, and for safety it's then usually much better to put in such memory chunk only data that doesn't contain references managed by GC.


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