Pointer to method C++ style

grauzone none at example.net
Fri Jul 24 06:56:41 PDT 2009

>>>          LOOKUP_TABLE[0] = Method("method1", &Component.method1);
>>>          LOOKUP_TABLE[1] = Method("method2", &Component.method2);
>> These two lines are weird.  ``pragma(msg)`` shows that type of
>> ``&method1`` is ``void function()`` while it must be ``void delegate()``
>> for a non-static member because of difference in calling convention.
>> Actually I think that taking an address of a non-static member in a
>> static context must be a compile time error.
> It's because I'm taking the address of the function on the type, not on 
> an instance.  It's not a delegate because there's no "this" pointer yet.
> It makes sense to me anyways.  A delegate is a normal function pointer 
> coupled with a hidden context parameter.

But you can't call that function pointer. Actually, you can probably 
subvert type safety, because functions have a different calling 
conventions from delegates. This also means that SafeD should disallow 
taking the address of methods from a type (without instance).

That's really silly. A nicer way would be to make &Type.method return a 
delegate with ptr set to null. Then calling this delegate would result 
in a (harmless) null pointer exception.

But even then, there's no safe way to construct a real delegate out of 
the method pointer. You can't simply assign an object instance to ptr, 
because you can't statically know if the funcptr of the delegate really 
is a method of that object instance.

Looks like SafeD proves to be unfeasible again.

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