Tango ftp module

viktor vikkrej09 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 9 23:43:29 PDT 2009

Trass3r Wrote:

> Has anyone ever tried the tango ftp code?
> Nothing really works for me, even for simple cases.
> For example, when using ls() it gets stuck in parseMlstLine() cause the 
> exception
> throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Bad syntax in MLSx response", "501");
> doesn't get caught.
> Thus the else branch isn't executed:
>          // If it passed, parse away!
>          if (mlsd_success)
> 		[...]
>          // Fall back to LIST.
>          else
>              return this.sendListCommand(path);
> and ls() doesn't work at all.
> Is there any working example at all?

tango ftp/http is broken in my opinion, not thread-safe. better go with libcurl.

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