How-to: input/output "Japanese Characters"?

Carlos Smith carlos-smith at
Sun May 3 08:21:56 PDT 2009

"Georg Wrede" <georg.wrede at> a écrit dans le message de news:

> import std.stdio;
> void main()
> {
>     auto lin = readln();
>     writeln(lin);
> }
> Works with your Japanese strings. It just works(tm).

I am trying this on a North American WinXP station.
I am using DMD V1.

You will find a small program at the end of this
message who does not work for me.

The console use Lucida COnsole font. The CP is 65001.
cmd.exe can read/write utf strings, but not my

I want to be able to read an utf string from stdin.
That string will contains characters > 256, ie glyphs
you can only see with an unicode font.

I have read some documentation on MSDN that confirm
it can't work. So why does it work for you ?

Can anyone, explain to me what am i doing wrong ?

Thanks a lot...

--------- program ----------
//  readln.d
//  testing readln()
//  This file saved with BOM: FF FE
//  Edit with Lucida Console font

import std.stdio;
import std.c.locale;
import std.utf;

extern( Windows )
  HANDLE GetStdHandle( DWORD nStdHandle );
  BOOL WriteConsoleW(
    HANDLE hConsoleOutput,
    in VOID* lpBuffer,
    DWORD nNumberOfCharsToWrite,
    DWORD* lpNumberOfCharsWritten,
    void* lpReserved = null );
  BOOL WriteConsoleA(
    HANDLE hConsoleOutput,
    in VOID* lpBuffer,
    DWORD nNumberOfCharsToWrite,
    DWORD* lpNumberOfCharsWritten,
    void* lpReserved = null );
  BOOL ReadConsoleW( HANDLE hConsoleInput, LPVOID lpBuffer, uint 
    uint* lpNumberOfCharsRead, void* pInputControl = null );
  BOOL ReadConsoleA( HANDLE hConsoleInput, LPVOID lpBuffer,  uint 
    uint* lpNumberOfCharsRead, void* pInputControl = null );
  version (UNICODE)
    alias ReadConsoleA ReadConsole;
    alias ReadConsoleW ReadConsole;


void DisplayCP()
  writef("Console CP: %s\n", GetConsoleCP());
  writef("Console Output CP: %s\n", GetConsoleOutputCP());

void SaveCP()
  CP = GetConsoleCP();
  OCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();

void SetUnicode()
  SetConsoleCP( 65001 );
  SetConsoleOutputCP( 65001 );

void ResetCP()
  SetConsoleCP( CP );
  SetConsoleOutputCP( OCP );

int main( )
  HANDLE cout;
  DWORD nw;
  cout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);


  // writef() do print Unicode string constant
  // next 5 lines contains utf chars.
  wchar[] utfstr = "←↑→↔↨∂∆∏∑−√∞∟∩∫≈═┼┴⌠⌐≥≤≡≠ѕєіїњљ\n";
  writef("1: %s","←↑→↔↨∂∆∏∑−√∞∟∩∫≈═┼┴⌠⌐≥≤≡≠ѕєіїњљ\n");
  writef("2: %s",utfstr);
  // so do WriteConsoleW()
  wchar[] utfstr3 = "3: ←↑→↔↨∂∆∏∑−√∞∟∩∫≈═┼┴⌠⌐≥≤≡≠ѕєіїњљ\n";
  WriteConsoleW(cout, utfstr3.ptr, utfstr3.length, &nw);

  // but not  readln()`ed strings
  writef("Type a line of Unicode characters:\n");
  auto line = readln();
  writef("line len: %s\n", line.length);
  writef("%s\n", "Next line is what You typed:");
  writef("%s\n", "Your line again (with WriteConsoleA):");
  WriteConsoleA(cout, line.ptr, line.length, &nw);
  writef("%s\n", "Your line again (with WriteConsoleW):");
  WriteConsoleW(cout, line.ptr, line.length, &nw);

  writef("Done. Resetting code page.\n");
  return 0;
--------- eof ---------

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