
Brok3n Halo x2ndshadow at
Mon May 11 10:46:39 PDT 2009

ah-ha! I was just writing to let you know that's how my project started out and I
went into this issue, when I decided to try it again and got an error message I
know how to solve.  Probably got it before too, but working off an all-nighter and
my caffeine hasn't fully kicked in yet. Turns out it's expecting an int
testfunc(), the reason it wasn't working before was I was trying to use a uint

Thanks for the heads up on the I/O issue with threading, the writefln wasn't
producing any output once I got it going and thanks to that I know what the issue
with that was right away, luckily my actual project doesn't require I/O on a
thread. (I'm writing a multi-threaded raytracer for a class)

Which brings me to my next 2 questions, are dynamic arrays thread safe in D? I
imagine they should be as long as I don't have two threads writing to the same
index at once and the array size doesn't change.  Also is there a thread safe
linked list somewhere?

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