cast(int) getting an unexpected number

rmcguire rjmcguire at
Thu Nov 5 05:15:30 PST 2009

"Lars T. Kyllingstad" <public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet> wrote:
> rmcguire wrote:
>> "Lars T. Kyllingstad" <public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet> wrote:
>>> Charles Hixson wrote:
>>>> Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
>>>>> Michal Minich wrote:
>>>>>> Hello rmcguire,
>>>>>>> why is this not a compiler bug?
>>>>>>> because:
>>>>>>> import std.stdio;
>>>>>>> void main() {
>>>>>>> float f=0.01;
>>>>>>> writefln("%0.2f->%d",f,cast(int)(f*100f));
>>>>>>> writefln("%0.2f->%d",f,cast(int)(.01*100f));
>>>>>>> writefln("%0.2f->%f",f,(f*100f));
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> results in:
>>>>>>> 0.01->0
>>>>>>> 0.01->1
>>>>>>> 0.01->1.000000
>>>>>>> I would say something is dodgy.
>>>>>>> -Rory
>>>>>> I think this may be case of:
>>>>>> At comple time floating point computations may be done at a higher
>>>>>> precision than run time.
>>>>> Yes, if you do this:
>>>>> float f = 0.01;
>>>>> float g = f * 100f;
>>>>> real r = f * 100f;
>>>>> writeln("%s, %s, %s", f, cast(int) g, cast(int) r);
>>>>> you get:
>>>>> 0.01, 0, 1
>>>>> I believe just writing cast(int)(f*100f) is more or less the same as the
>>>>> 'real' case above.
>>>>> -Lars
>>>> Can that *really* be the explanation??  I know that float doesn't have 
>>>> all that much precision, but I thought it was more than 5 or 6 
>>>> places...and this is, essentially, two places.
>>> Yes it does, but that's not what matters.
>>> Say that for floats, the representable number closest to 0.01 is 
>>> 0.01000000000001. (This is just an example, I don't know the true 
>>> number.) Then you have a lot more precision than the two digits you 
>>> mention, and multiplying with 100 gives 1.000000000001. Round this 
>>> towards zero (which is what cast(int) does) and you get 1. This is the 
>>> 'float g = f*100f;' case in my example.
>>> Now, say that for reals, which (I think) is what the compiler uses 
>>> internally, the number closest to 0.01 is
>>>      0.0099999999999999999999999999999999999999.
>>> Again, just an example, the point is that the precision is higher than 
>>> the above, but the closest number is now smaller than 0.01. Multiply 
>>> this by 100, and you get
>>>      0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999.
>>> This number will be cast to the integer 0, which happens in the OP's case.
>>> I admit I'm no expert in these things, but I suspect this is how it 
>>> goes. By the way, I recommend Don's excellent article on floating-point 
>>> numbers. It has really cleared things up for me:
>>> -Lars
>> Hmm, thanks.
>> pity its not consistent. Would be nice if you didn't have to learn everything 
>> about floating point just to make a calculator.
> You don't, really.  You just stay away from casts. :)  IMHO, casts are 
> only good for hammering a value of one type into a different type, no 
> worries about the result.
> I (almost) never use cast(int) to round floating-point numbers.  There 
> are two reasons for this:
>    1. It always rounds towards zero, which is usually not what I want.
>    2. It doesn't perform any checks, and can easily overflow.
> If the rounding mode is not important, or if for some reason I want the 
> same result as cast(int), I use  This function checks 
> that the converted number fits in the target type and then performs an 
> ordinary cast.  (Note: D2 only!)
>    import std.conv;
>    void main()
>    {
>        int i = to!int(1.23);     // OK
>        assert (i == 1);
>        int j = to!int(real.max); // ConvOverflowError
>    }
> If "natural" rounding, i.e. towards nearest integer, is what I want, 
> then I use std.math.lround() or std.math.round().  There are a lot of 
> rounding functions in std.math that do different things and that are 
> worth checking out.
>    import std.math;
>    void main()
>    {
>        long i = lround(1.23);
>        assert (i == 1);
>        long j = lround(0.5);
>        assert (j == 1);
>    }
> -Lars

err, right.

good point, hehe.

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