(D1) Mixing in constructors

Justin Whear justin at economicmodeling.com
Fri Nov 6 09:47:59 PST 2009

I've been trying to use a template to mixin constructors and running into what seems like a bug. Here's the template:
public template ChainNodeSubclassing {
	this() {
	this(string id) {

...some other stuff...

Using this, compilation would always fail and complain that Object has no super class. This is strange because template mixins are supposed to only be evaluated where they're mixed-in, namely in the body of my classes which certainly do have super-classes.

So I tried getting around it like this (just the second constructor for brevity):
this(string id) {
	static if (!is(typeof(this) : Object))
		writefln("Instantiating %s with ID", this.classinfo.name);
	} else {
		throw new Exception("Cannot instantiate type");

Now it compiles, but I always get errors at runtime when I try to create of one the classes with this mixin. It seems that every object is implicitly convertible to Object. Is this a bug or am I doing something really wrong?

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