looking for an IDE

Jeremie Pelletier jeremiep at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 18:09:44 PDT 2009

Phil Deets wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to D and am mostly interested in D2. Is there a Windows IDE 
> with support for D2 debugging, building, and basic code navigation (such 
> as go to definition)? I've been trying a couple different IDEs, but most 
> seem to be focused towards D1. Another nice to have "feature" would be 
> support for keeping everything in a directory with spaces. I put feature 
> in quotes because I consider it a bug if it does not support that.

I have yet to find such an IDE on windows, I use poseidon for its simple 
project manager and syntax highlighting (I had to add the latest D2 
keywords manually), but it has no semantics analysis and the ddbg 
support is half broken so I debug with windbg, however its very light 
and very fast.

I hear Descent for Eclipse is getting support for D2 so you might want 
to start looking there, it does semantics analysis but Eclipse is too 
heavy an IDE for my tastes. I can't tell if it has jump to definition.


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