Overload resolution for string

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 11 12:33:09 PDT 2010

My previous question was in the context of overloading opEquals. Here it 
is again in a simpler form.

void foo(const(char)[] s)

void foo(const(wchar)[] s)

void foo(const(dchar)[] s)

void main()

Compilation error:

deneme.d(10024): Error: function deneme.foo called with argument types:
matches both:
	deneme.foo(const(char)[] s)
	deneme.foo(const(dchar)[] s)

Adding overloads for string, wstring, and dstring does not help. Same 

Replacing "hello" with either of "hello"c, "hello"w, or "hello"d fixes 
the issue.

This is a bug, right? I've been assuming that unqualified string 
literals were immutable char arrays, but the behavior is different 
between "hello" vs. "hello"c.

Am I missing something?

Thank you,

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